Conveniently shop all wallpaper samples here! Please see the individual product listings for specific deatils about each paper.
A4 samples (Larger samples can be purchased by request)
Foil Papers:
Opulence Gold
Opulence Copper
Faded Grandeur Gold
Faded Grandeur Copper
Acanthus Column
Acanthus Column Mini
Gold Mica Papers:
Acanthus Column
Acanthus Column Mini
Matt Papers:
Acanthus Sodalite
Acanthus Prehnite
Acanthus Moldavite
Acanthus Dolomite
Acanthus Rhodonite
Acanthus Scapolite
Acanthus Auralite
(any import charges are they buyers responsibility)
FSC - paper from responsible sources. Printed using fade proof, environmentally friendly ink.
All Wallpaper Samples